Open the large skull-encrusted door and turn right before stepping into the green teleporter. Collectible #11: After collecting the Yellow Skull and then the Blue Skull you’ll teleport back to an area at the start of the map.Explore the ramps and check your map to spot it easily. Underneath one of the ramps you can drop down to find a hidden alcove with this collectible. There are ramps sloping up surrounding this part of the machine. Collectible #10: Later on, after dealing with the arena on the lowest level of the tower you’ll ride up to a central device that glows red and periodically opens up to shoot out red arcs of electricity.That’s where you’ll find the action figure. Climb up onto the cell, jump across to the ramping ledge, up to another platform, and into the un-shielded tracks which lead to another area with a safe walkway on the left. Continue down the tracks to the stopped cell. There is a walkway to the left, but ignore it and continue down the second curved path. Follow one through a passage and drop down into a second similar passage. Collectible #9: When you first enter the tower, you’ll reach a curved passage bathed in red light with revolving cell devices.The second action figure of this level is here. Jump up the lift, then hop out onto the exterior vent to reach the other side the walkway. Collectible #8: From the exterior Gore Nest encounter, travel down the cave path until you see the sky-box in the distance.Jump on the crates to reach a catwalk that contains this collectible. Collectible #7: In the robot hangar room that leads to the first Argent filter objective, look for stack crates in one of the bays.Jump over the railing to land on a platform beneath the walkway to find this figure. Collectible #6: In the room where you collect the Yellow Keycard, go to the pool of lava in the back corner.Hop inside the open crate to get an easy collectible. One of the crates near the center is open with robotic arms working nearby. Collectible #5: Through the Yellow Keycard door, look inside the crates on the conveyor belt.Climb the pile of boxes and hop into the vent to get this figure. Turn left as you enter the half-circle room. Collectible #4: The second collectible is in the VEGA terminal chamber.Use the vents to reach the rooftop and enter the large interior vent to find the collectible. Outside the control room, look for a crate underneath - jump to the crate, then climb onto the vents outside the control room objective. Collectible #3: Leaving through the airlock, you’ll need to enter a control room through an elevator.The cave leads straight to the second little Doom figure. Drop into the cave and look on your left for a path marked with green neon lights. Collectible #2: Later, you’ll reach a narrow canyon either to your left (and left of the burning destroyed pipe on the upper pathway) with a view of the Resource Operations building in the distance.Jump onto the crate, then up onto the ledge to find your first collectible. It circles left to reach the blue key card. Collectible #1: At the locked door, turn right and follow the narrow cave.There are 26 of these collectibles, with two collectibles hidden in each level. The collectibles of DOOM (2016) are just that - little action figures of the DOOM Guy in all his green-armored glory. DOOM (2016): Classic / Retro Level Locations.See the Banished Warship Gbraakon walkthrough to see where you’ll find these collectibles in the mission. UNSC Audio Log - 2 (one is automatically added to your collection, the other is missable).You can collect the following collectibles: All but 1 of the collectibles obtained in this mission are missable. This is the first mission of Halo Infinite. Mission 1 - Banished Warship Gbraakon Collectibles It comprises everything from the opening cinematic to the end of the mission to create the Master Chief's base of operations on Zeta Halo, which includes the first three missions of the game. "Ringfall" is the first story arc of Halo Infinite. Zeta Halo Interactive Map Mission 1 - Banished Warship Gbraakon Collectibles Mission 2 - Foundations Collectibles Mission 3 - Outpost Tremonius Collectibles Island 1 - Lockdown Collectibles Island 2 - Connections Collectibles Island 3 - Graveyards Collectibles Island 4 - Reformation Collectibles Island 5 - Reckoning Collectibles Final Mission - Endless Collectibles Ringfall